Poppet Demo

This demonstrates the Poppet js library.
elloPoppetInput(name, title, msg, b1, b2, b3, close, callback, defaultvalue)
name - internal name prefix ( optional, defaults to popinjectI ), IE "TEST" = TESTmiscpopper
title - text to be displayed in header
msg - text to be displayed in body
b1 - button1, in the format of BUTTON ( see below ) ( optional defaults to null )
b2 - button2, in the format of BUTTON ( see below ) ( optional defaults to null )
b3 - button3, in the format of BUTTON ( see below ) ( optional defaults to null )
close - function to close in the format of object.fn ( optional )
callback - function to call when done - returns value of input
defaultvalue - value to initialise input with

BUTTON format
object.value = html markup for button
object.fn = callback function called on click
If b1, b2 and b3 are null, b2 is defaulted to a "Close" button
callback is called on teardown no matter the click event, cancels, X buttons, OK etc
You can determine success or failure or otherwise on callback by using specified callbacks on buttons and close